About our school

Ingle Farm East Primary School offers quality facilities and programs within a safe, caring and inclusive environment.

Quality Education: Our experienced and dedicated educators cater for the diverse learning styles of our students.

Inclusive Environment: We celebrate diversity and ensure that every student feels welcome and included.

Community Focus: We believe in strong partnerships between home and school, and we actively encourage family and community involvement.

Our school offers:

  • opportunities for student leadership, voice and collaboration
  • a whole school focus on student wellbeing and engagement
  • specialist subjects, in the areas of Science, Performing Arts, Physical Education and Japanese
  • a Disability Unit, comprised of 4 classes
  • Junior Primary and Primary Special Options classes
  • excellent facilities, including a large oval, purpose-built playgrounds and nature play
  • a Right Bite Canteen, that caters to all dietary requirements
  • Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
  • OSHC and Vacation Care programs.

Join us for a Principal’s Tour to find out more about what Ingle Farm East Primary School has to offer your family.

Our vision

Ingle Farm East Primary School is a community school where staff, parents and students cooperate to provide a safe, caring, challenging learning environment where each individual is supported and encouraged to meet their full potential.

Our values

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Teamwork
  • Safety
  • Communication