Specialist programs

Find out about the specialist programs our school offers.

Performing Arts

We offer a strong program in the Arts, including music, dance, drama and media. The program helps develop students’ creativity, confidence, cultural knowledge and critical thinking.  

Our program includes:  

  • weekly Performing Arts lessons
  • school choir, with participation in the Festival Choir 
  • participation in the Primary School Music Festival  
  • regular assembly performances and an end-of-year concert.

Physical Education (PE)

Students can develop team play and team building skills through our specialist PE program.

The program is run by a specialist teacher and includes: 

  • weekly PE lessons
  • SAPSASA events  
  • sports day 
  • swimming and aquatics lessons
  • All Abilities Auskick.

We also offer lunchtime activities in the hall, which vary each week from basketball to dancing.


Japanese is our language of study for students. Each class has a 50-minute lesson per week, which helps student learn to speak the language and understand Japanese culture.  

Some of the things the Japanese program includes is: 

  • learning about Japanese art, dance and music 
  • celebrating Japanese events.

Learning a language:  

  • helps students gain a broader cultural perspective  
  • opens up career pathways 
  • promotes social cohesion and cross-cultural understanding.


The Australian curriculum for Science aims to provide students a strong foundation in scientific knowledge, understanding and skills.

It’s structured around 3 interrelated strands:

  • Science understanding
  • Science as a human endeavour
  • Science inquiry skills.